Goodenough Trolley Tour


Welcome to Tombstone, an 1880's silver mining camp. Tombstone was founded in 1879 by prospector Ed Schieffelin, who discovered silver in the area. The town quickly grew and became one of the last boomtowns in the American frontier.


Bienvenido a Tombstone, un campamento minero de plata de la década de 1880. Tombstone fue fundada en 1879 por el prospector Ed Schieffelin, quien descubrió plata en la zona. La ciudad creció rápidamente y se convirtió en una de las últimas ciudades en auge en la frontera estadounidense.

Welcome sign for Tombstone, an 1880's silver mining camp. The image shows a desert town street with old Western-style buildings. In the foreground are silhouettes of four miners carrying tools, walking towards the viewer. The text 'Welcome to Tombstone' is displayed at the top with 'An 1880's Silver Mining Camp' at the bottom.


At its best, Tombstone's population was about 7000. That made us the third largest city in the Arizona Territory; right after Prescott, the capital, and Tucson.


En su mejor momento, la población de Tombstone era de aproximadamente 7000 personas. Eso nos convirtió en la tercera ciudad más grande del Territorio de Arizona; justo después de Prescott, la capital, y Tucson.

Historic black and white photograph showing a bird's-eye view of Tombstone, Arizona in 1880. The image captures a sprawling frontier town nestled in a desert valley, with numerous small buildings scattered across the landscape. In the background, rugged hills and mountains can be seen. The town appears to be in its early stages of development, with open spaces between clusters of structures. A caption at the bottom of the image reads 'This is a Buzzard's Eye View of Tombstone, Arizona, 1880'.


We had approximately 130 businesses, stores, restaurants, and saloons. We even had two ice cream parlors and a candy factory. The town's economy was booming thanks to the silver mines.


Teníamos aproximadamente 130 negocios, tiendas, restaurantes y salones. Incluso teníamos dos heladerías y una fábrica de dulces. La economía de la ciudad estaba en auge gracias a las minas de plata.

A black and white photograph of a dusty, unpaved main street in Tombstone. Wooden buildings line both sides of the wide dirt road, including storefronts with signs visible such as 'RESTAURANT' and 'McALLISTER & CO'. A lone figure in dark clothing stands on the right side of the street. The scene captures the stark, frontier atmosphere of an early settlement, with simple wooden structures and an empty, expansive street stretching into the distance.

Red Light District

Our "red light" district was in this area. At any one time, we had about 150 "ladies of negotiable affection" working here. This district was known for its lively nightlife and was a significant part of Tombstone's economy.

Barrio Rojo

Nuestro "barrio rojo" estaba en esta zona. En un momento dado, teníamos alrededor de 150 "damas de afecto negociable" trabajando aquí. Este distrito era conocido por su animada vida nocturna y era una parte significativa de la economía de Tombstone.

A painting depicting a woman in Victorian-era attire sitting at a table near a window. She wears a large black hat with a red band and a high-necked light-colored dress. The woman is shown in profile, facing left. On the table are a red teacup and saucer, along with a small white pitcher. Warm, golden light from the window illuminates the scene, creating a gentle, atmospheric mood. The painting style is reminiscent of impressionism, with visible brushstrokes and a focus on light and color.


Welcome to Tombstone, an 1880's silver mining camp. Tombstone was founded in 1879 by prospector Ed Schieffelin, who discovered silver in the area. The town quickly grew and became one of the last boomtowns in the American frontier.


Bienvenido a Tombstone, un campamento minero de plata de la década de 1880. Tombstone fue fundada en 1879 por el prospector Ed Schieffelin, quien descubrió plata en la zona. La ciudad creció rápidamente y se convirtió en una de las últimas ciudades en auge en la frontera estadounidense.

Welcome sign for Tombstone, an 1880's silver mining camp. The image shows a desert town street with old Western-style buildings. In the foreground are silhouettes of four miners carrying tools, walking towards the viewer. The text 'Welcome to Tombstone' is displayed at the top with 'An 1880's Silver Mining Camp' at the bottom.


At its best, Tombstone's population was about 7000. That made us the third largest city in the Arizona Territory; right after Prescott, the capital, and Tucson.


En su mejor momento, la población de Tombstone era de aproximadamente 7000 personas. Eso nos convirtió en la tercera ciudad más grande del Territorio de Arizona; justo después de Prescott, la capital, y Tucson.

Historic black and white photograph showing a bird's-eye view of Tombstone, Arizona in 1880. The image captures a sprawling frontier town nestled in a desert valley, with numerous small buildings scattered across the landscape. In the background, rugged hills and mountains can be seen. The town appears to be in its early stages of development, with open spaces between clusters of structures. A caption at the bottom of the image reads 'This is a Buzzard's Eye View of Tombstone, Arizona, 1880'.


We had approximately 130 businesses, stores, restaurants, and saloons. We even had two ice cream parlors and a candy factory. The town's economy was booming thanks to the silver mines.


Teníamos aproximadamente 130 negocios, tiendas, restaurantes y salones. Incluso teníamos dos heladerías y una fábrica de dulces. La economía de la ciudad estaba en auge gracias a las minas de plata.

A black and white photograph of a dusty, unpaved main street in Tombstone. Wooden buildings line both sides of the wide dirt road, including storefronts with signs visible such as 'RESTAURANT' and 'McALLISTER & CO'. A lone figure in dark clothing stands on the right side of the street. The scene captures the stark, frontier atmosphere of an early settlement, with simple wooden structures and an empty, expansive street stretching into the distance.

Red Light District

Our "red light" district was in this area. At any one time, we had about 150 "ladies of negotiable affection" working here. This district was known for its lively nightlife and was a significant part of Tombstone's economy.

Barrio Rojo

Nuestro "barrio rojo" estaba en esta zona. En un momento dado, teníamos alrededor de 150 "damas de afecto negociable" trabajando aquí. Este distrito era conocido por su animada vida nocturna y era una parte significativa de la economía de Tombstone.

A painting depicting a woman in Victorian-era attire sitting at a table near a window. She wears a large black hat with a red band and a high-necked light-colored dress. The woman is shown in profile, facing left. On the table are a red teacup and saucer, along with a small white pitcher. Warm, golden light from the window illuminates the scene, creating a gentle, atmospheric mood. The painting style is reminiscent of impressionism, with visible brushstrokes and a focus on light and color.

First Schools

Tombstone's first school opened in 1880 with 85 students. By 1882, the school enrolled 300 students in grades one through ten. Our tenth grade graduates were guaranteed direct admission to the University of Arizona in Tucson.

Primeras Escuelas

La primera escuela de Tombstone abrió en 1880 con 85 estudiantes. Para 1882, la escuela matriculó a 300 estudiantes de primero a décimo grado. Nuestros graduados de décimo grado tenían garantizada la admisión directa a la Universidad de Arizona en Tucson.

An expressionist painting of a vintage school desk with a large brass handbell as the focal point. The desk is bathed in warm, golden light from a nearby window, creating dramatic shadows. On the desk are a few books, a fountain pen, and papers, suggesting a teacher's workspace. The bell is centrally placed and gleams in the sunlight. The background features vibrant greens and blues, with bold brushstrokes typical of expressionist style. The composition creates a nostalgic, atmospheric scene of an old classroom, with strong contrast between light and shadow.

Sacred Heart Church

In 1881, Sacred Heart Catholic Church was the first church built in Tombstone. It cost about $1500 to build and still holds services today. The church has been a central part of the community for over a century.

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón

En 1881, la Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón fue la primera iglesia construida en Tombstone. Su construcción costó unos 1500 dólares y todavía hoy en día sigue funcionando. La iglesia ha sido una parte central de la comunidad durante más de un siglo.

A long wooden pergola covered with lush white flowering roses. The structure stretches across the image, supported by wooden posts. Behind it, a clear blue sky is visible. In the background, glimpses of buildings and a white picket fence suggest a small town setting. The pergola provides shade and a scenic walkway, blending natural beauty with rustic architecture. A vibrant garden scene featuring a black swallowtail butterfly perched on bright orange and red flowers, likely Pride of Barbados. The image shows lush greenery including ferns and other plants surrounding a gravel path. In the background, there's a glimpse of a white structure. Various colorful flowers are scattered throughout the garden. Text at the bottom reads 'Butterfly At Sacred Heart'.

Swimming Pool

The Tombstone Swimming Pool was opened on June 16, 1883. It was the first public swimming pool in the Arizona Territory. It is still enjoyed by our local folks today and remains a popular spot for relaxation.


La piscina de Tombstone se inauguró el 16 de junio de 1883. Fue la primera piscina pública en el Territorio de Arizona. Todavía es disfrutada por nuestra gente local hoy en día y sigue siendo un lugar popular para relajarse.

A large outdoor swimming pool filled with bright blue water and numerous swimmers. The pool is surrounded by trees and desert vegetation, suggesting a hot climate. A wooden structure, possibly a slide or diving platform, is visible at one end of the pool. The sky is clear and blue, indicating a sunny day. The scene depicts a popular recreational area in Tombstone.