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Reflections on Retirement


Retirement is a time to slow down, take a breath, and reflect on a life well-lived. Whether you spent your career completing corporate chores (that's a lot of c's) or pursued a personal passion for profit (that's a lot of p's), retirement is a chance to focus on what really matters in life: family, friends, and fulfillment (oh no, now it's f's).

Here's a free retirement tip: Don't turn into a hermit! Stay connected to the people and activities you enjoy--unless you want to spend your golden years talking to your cat. For some retirees, this might mean joining a local club or organization to pursue a shared interest, while others might prefer to spend time with family and grandchildren.

Another key to living well in retirement is maintaining a sense of purpose. Maybe you can volunteer for a cause that you care about or start a new hobby or project (I've always got about a dozen projects in the works around my house). Whatever it is that brings you a sense of fulfillment, make sure to prioritize it in your retirement years. Too many people retire and sit in a proverbial (or real) rocking chair, watch TV, and die in just a few years.

Of course, retirement also comes with its challenges. Slowing down after a fast-paced life can be like hitting the brakes on a high-speed train (and just as jarring to any passengers). Well, just like a train, some of us need a little more time to learn to slow down. Be patient and kind to yourself as you start this new phase of life.

Finally, it's important to stay healthy and active in retirement, so you can outrun the grandkids when they try to steal your cookies. Listen, I'm not saying you need to become the next Usain Bolt, but maybe try to sneak in some exercise between your Netflix binges. Take a stroll around the block or attempt some downward dog. Your body will thank you, and who knows, perhaps you'll even break a sweat (won't that surprise your friends)!

Recall that retirement is a time to take stock of a life well lived, remain in touch with family and friends, follow your hobbies, find meaning in life, and maintain your health (is that enough priorities?). With the right mindset and priorities, retirement can be your next 40 years of joy and fulfillment (OK, maybe 41).


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