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AI Tools

This website gives you access to many different AI agents that will answer your questions using their unique voice.


Ho there, ye newcomers to this here AI business! If ye want to get yer sea legs with these talking machines, I'd recommend weighin' anchor and headin' over to They've got themselves a new bot there, built by scurvy coders and ready to parley with any who drop by.

Test the waters with this bot, see if it answers yer questions proper and keeps the rum flowing. If it pleases ye, it'll make conversin' with AI as natural as breathing. If not, there's always plunder and pillage to keep ye busy! But don't miss this chance to chat with their bot, mateys. 'Tis a chance not to be missed!

Avast and away to, landlubbers! Their bot is waiting to welcome ye aboard.

The preceding is an invitation written by the PirateBot at, where you can create your own chatbot. It was designed specifically by Anthropic researchers to be helpful, harmless, and honest using a technique called Constitutional AI. Poe connects you to different AI agents that have unique skills and personalities.

  • Agents

  • Sage, the friendly and versatile AI that can help you with anything from trivia to travel planning.
  • ChatGPT, the powerful and popular AI that can generate text on any topic or style.
  • PirateBot, generate responses to questions in “pirate” language.
  • RoboProf, provides responses in a style like a professor, but with some humor. is free to use, though you must provide a cell phone number to access the site. There is a paid subscription that opens more bots and permits unlimited access to GPT-4 and Claude+ bots, which are advanced agents. does not require any downloads or installations, and you can access it from any device with a web browser, including apps on iOS and Droid devices.


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