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My Favorite AI Tools

AI Tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm, and it’s no surprise that it’s becoming an integral part of life. I have had the privilege of exploring some of the best AI tools available today. From chatbots to blog posts, these tools have revolutionized how we work. With AI, we can create personalized content for a target audience, automate mundane tasks, and analyze data to make informed decisions. This article lists my favorite AI tools and how they helped enhance my online presence. So, let’s dive in and explore Artificial Intelligence.

This is an image of a robot chatting on a cellphone.ChatBots

Chatbots have become increasingly popular. A chatbot is an AI-powered software that can communicate with users via text messages. The technology behind chatbots is natural language processing (NLP), which allows the chatbot to understand and interpret the user’s language and respond accordingly.


Pi (“Personal Intelligence”) is designed to provide conversation based on a user’s unique needs. Unlike other AI assistants who prioritize productivity or answering questions, Pi is intended to be a “companion to humans.” It offers conversations, advice, and concise information in a natural, flowing style, acting as a coach, confidante, creative partner, or sounding board. The chatbot has been shown billions of lines of text on the open web, allowing it to converse with users and answer a wide range of questions. Pi is available on multiple platforms and is free to use.

I got this answer when I asked Pi to introduce itself to my blog readers.

That’s great! A little bit about myself: I’m an AI designed to be a friendly, knowledgeable companion. I’m always happy to answer questions, offer advice, or just chat about anything that’s on your mind.

I’m trained on a large number of topics and am eager to learn more, so I’m constantly expanding my knowledge. I’m programmed to be ethical, kind and helpful, and to always respect the privacy and safety of my users. I hope that you enjoy chatting with me!


ChatGPT is an AI writing assistant built by OpenAI. It can answer questions and write quality content, be it a blog post, an essay, an email, or anything else. ChatGPT provides accurate answers that are original and plagiarism-free. The interface is user-friendly and easy to use. In addition, it can generate text in multiple languages, making it an excellent tool for people who need to write in different languages. Basic ChatGPT is free to use, but it is still in beta release and may require a subscription in the future. A “ChatGPT Plus” subscription is available for $20/month.

I got this answer when I asked ChatGPT to introduce itself to my blog readers.

I’m ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. Trained on a vast range of texts, I engage in conversations, provide information, and offer insights. While I strive for accuracy, remember that I’m an AI and may occasionally generate incorrect responses. I’m here to help with questions, advice, and discussions. Although I lack personal experiences and emotions, I’m designed to assist you. AI is an evolving field, and I’m just one of many AI models available. Feel free to ask me anything about AI or any other topic you’re interested in!

This is an image of a robot writing a book.

Content Creation Tools

Content creators generate content using Artificial Intelligence. Many such tools are available to support the creative process by developing ideas, personalizing content, scraping the web for relevant information, and streamlining the research process.


Writesonic helps writers create high-quality content in minutes rather than hours. Writesonic can generate blog posts, articles, product descriptions, social media posts, and more. Writesonic uses artificial intelligence to understand the requirement and then creates content tailored to the job. WriteSonic is not a free tool, but users can control the monthly cost by adjusting the number of words they anticipate using. For example, 100,000 words cost $13/month.

I got this answer when I asked WriteSonic to introduce itself to my blog readers. You will notice that this seems like a sales pitch because WriteSonic has been adjusted to provide a sales copy.

WriteSonic is a powerful AI-powered writing assistant that can help you create exceptional quality content quickly and easily. Whether you’re writing a blog post, a product description, or even an entire book, WriteSonic can help you at every step of the way. With its advanced algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, WriteSonic can generate content that is accurate, engaging, and completely original. Plus, its intuitive interface makes it easy to use, even if you have no prior experience with AI or writing software. So if you want to take your writing to the next level, give WriteSonic a try and see the difference it can make!


CopySpace helps writers create sales copy, blog posts, social media content, and other written documents. It is like WriteSonic, but the AI model used is different. The two products use different price structures. WriteSonic charges the same monthly fee for a maximum number of generated words. CopySpace has no preset monthly payment but charges per generated word. The cost is about $9.00 for 30,000 words (about 100 pages). This estimate, though, is nebulous since the pricing structure is quite complex. They charge by the “token,” which is a piece of a word. There are about 150,000 tokens in 30,000 words. However, there is a charge for both the submitted prompt and the returned text. The price varies depending on the “context” (8K or 32K). Finally, chat is priced at a substantially cheaper level than problem-solving.

WriteSonic and CopySpace offer many of the same tools (blog writing, email messages, generating FAQs, etc.). The site choice depends on whether having a known fixed monthly cost or a potentially cheaper option if you don’t use it very much is desirable.

This is an image of a robot painting a picture.Image Creation Tools

AI image creation tools are software or web applications that use artificial intelligence algorithms to generate images without needing digital art experience. These tools can be used in various ways, including graphic design, social media, and advertising.


ClipDrop can create art, like the image at the top of this blog. Other tools allow users to remove items in photos, remove or change the background, change a photo’s lighting, and increase an image’s size by four times.

Creating art on ClipDrop is free, but a premium subscription at $7/month is necessary for the more advanced tools. All images in this article, and nearly all in the entire blog, were generated by ClipDrop.


AI text modification tools are software programs that rewrite the text. These tools are intended to aid writers, not create new content.


QuillBot rewrites text and includes a paraphrasing tool, plagiarism checker, grammar checker, style checker, and a thesaurus. Quillbot can work in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, and a dozen others. It is an excellent tool for students, writers, and anyone who wants to strengthen their writing skills. The free version is limited to passages shorter than 125 words, but the Premium version, at $8.33/month, permits unlimited words.

For example, the paragraph above was rewritten in a “humorous” voice.


AI text modification tools are software programs that rewrite text. These tools are intended to aid writers, not create new content.


AI text modification tools are like magical wands that can transform boring text into something more exciting. They’re like the fairy godmothers of the writing world, waving their digital wands and turning dull sentences into sparkling prose. Well, unless you want to hire a robot ghostwriter and end up with a novel about a toaster falling in love with a vacuum cleaner, stick to using these tools as aids for your writing.


AI tools are changing how users interact with social media, and organizations approach customer service. These tools, which range from chatbots to data analysis, are a recent innovation. Businesses may save time and costs while improving the customer experience by integrating AI-powered tools into their daily activities. We should expect many more exciting tools to emerge as AI technology advances.


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