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Hello Inspire -- Goodbye CPAP!


I'm in the process of evaluating the Inspire implanted device as a potential solution for my sleep apnea, and I have to say, I'm feeling a mix of excitement and relief. You see, I've been tethered to a CPAP machine for over a decade, and while it's been my trusty companion in the battle against sleep apnea, the idea of bidding farewell to it is quite appealing.

This Stable Diffusion picture shows an unused CPAP machine in the foreground with a man peacefully sleeping in the background.I mean, think about it. No more packing up that clunky CPAP every time I travel, desperately searching for distilled water to keep it happy. And don't get me started on the daily ritual of cleaning the mask, tubes, and other contraptions. If I get the green light for the Inspire implant, those worries will become a thing of the past.

Yesterday, I had my initial doctor's consultation, and I have to say, it went pretty smoothly. The next step on this journey is a sleep study. Now, I've had my fair share of those in the past, so I thought I knew what to expect. But guess what? There's a new player in town - the at-home sleep study. No more heading to a sleep center, getting wired up with what feels like half-a-hundred sensors on my head and body, and then trying to drift off into dreamland while feeling like a sci-fi cyborg.

The prospect of this at-home study is intriguing, and I can't help but feel a twinge of excitement about it. Sure, it's different from what I'm used to, but change can be a good thing, right?

As I embark on this journey towards the Inspire implant, I'm filled with hope for a brighter, CPAP-free future. The convenience, the freedom from lugging around equipment, and the potential for improved sleep all paint a promising picture.

So, stay tuned as I share my experiences, the ups, the downs, and the humorous moments along the way. I've got my fingers crossed for a successful outcome, and I can hardly wait to see how this chapter of my sleep apnea saga unfolds!

Update: December 20, 2023

I completed my home sleep study about two weeks ago and saw the doctor today to get the results. I was diagnosed with "moderate, positional obstructive sleep apnea." That diagnosis is what I needed to proceed on to the next step in my Inspire journey. I'm now waiting for an appointment with a cardiologist to evaluate my heart health for elective surgery. I'm not sure how long it will take to get in to see a cardiologist, but I'm still moving (slowly) toward the goal of losing the CPAP machine!


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